Plastic Surgery and Suture
Plastic Surgery is a branch of surgery concerned with improving the function or appearance of parts of the body through reconstructive or cosmetic medical methods. Reconstructive surgery is done on abnormal structures of the body. Such as skin cancer& scars& burns& birthmarks and also including congenital anomalies including deformed ears& cleft palate& cleft lip so on. This type of surgery is usually done to improve function, but may also be done to change appearance. Cosmetic surgery is done to repair or reshape otherwise normal structures of the body, generally, to improve appearance. Such as double eyelid& rhinoplasty& breast augmentation& liposuction& body lifts& face.
Therapeutic range for plastic surgery normally have five ones:
A.Repair and replicate traumatic defect and malformation.
B.Repair and replicate traumatic defect and malformation.
C.Surgery in infectious defect and malformation.
D.Surgery in both benign and malignant tumor excision and defects after excision.
E.Figures creating and recreating in plastic surgery.
After surgery, doctors need to suture the wound, and the select of sutures has a crucial impact on the overall surgical effect.
Based on the characteristics of WEGO suture products and the clinical experience of plastic surgeons for many years, we recommend the suture products according to different suture sites:

For Epidermis, WEGO Nylon non-absorbable Sutures (USP 5/0-7/0, Blue, Monofilament, Tensile strength retention 15-20% per year) and WEGO Rapid PGA absorbable Sutures (USP 5/0-7/0, Undyed, Multifilament, Tensile strength retention 7 days post implantation 55% 14 days post implantation 20% 21 days post implantation 5%) are available.
For Dermis, WEGO PGA absorbable Sutures (USP 4/0&5/0, Violet, Multifilament, Tensile strength retention 14 days post implantation 75% 21 days post implantation 40%) and WEGO Rapid PGA absorbable Sutures are available.
For Subcutaneous Tissue and Deep tendon, WEGO PGA absorbable Sutures (USP 3/0&4/0) are available.
For Muscle layer, WEGO PGA absorbable Sutures (USP 2/0&3/0) are available.

WEGO Suture is your best solution for wound closure in plastic surgery. Trust us, trust best.